

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

ВСТУПЛЕНИЕ 15 страница

Упражнение 7. Напишите возможные сочетания: а) глаголов и существи­тельных; б) прилагательных и существительных.

a) to produce the cortex b) large amount

to involve X-ray film mild calculi

to progress to anuria severe loss of kidney

to make a pain ultimate stones

to control symptoms variable pyelonephritis

Упражнение 8. Прочтите и переведите аннотации. Скажите, какая из них передает содержание текста наиболее адекватно и более полно отвечает требованиям, предъявляемым к аннотации.

Stones in the Kidneys

Clinical manifestation.

Very often an infection about the stone causes pyelonephritis or pyelo- nephrosis, resulting in the loss of the kidney.

The symptoms are mild fever, pain, malaise, anorexia, pus and albu­min in the urine, frequency of urination and mild burning. The diagnosis can be made by X-raying. The pain toward the thigh, hematuria, on rare occasions ulceration in the ureter, fever, are symptoms of renal colic.

Treatment should be directed toward its removal unless the stone is «silent».

Stones in the Kidneys

Clinical manifestation.

In many instances for years without symptoms. More commonly a mild infection about the stone develops into pyelonephritis or if the stone is large, into pyelonephrosis. Mild fever, pain, malaise and anor­exia, pus and albumin in the urine, frequency of urination and mild burning pain accompany this infection. The diagnosis can be made by an X-ray film. Renal colic is brought about by the entrance of a stone into the ureter while passing downward to the bladder. The pain de­scribed radiates toward the thigh. Hematuria is a diagnostic sign.

If the stone is not passed rapidly, infection may develop: pus in the urine, fever, when obstruction is present. Ulceration in the ureter is rare. Urine examination and X-ray help to diagnose renal colic. Treatment. If the stone is «silent», conservative treatment such as forcing fluid, sedation, etc., is prescribed. Analgetics may be required during the attack of colic. Ureteral catheterization, on rare occasions extra-peritoneal operation with incision into the ureter is necessary. If the stones are present in both kid­neys, it is preferable to operate first on the kidney with the poorer function.

Упражнение 9. Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму причастия. Переведитепредложения.

1. One week prior to the admission, the patient developed diarrhea (associated, associating) with weakness, fever and general malaise. 2. That report describes an (immuno suppressing, immuno suppressed) patient with mucosal and serosal ulcerations of the stomach, jejunum, ileum and ascending colon. 3. Stones are often carried in the kidneys for years (producing, produced) no symptoms. 4. The ulcer most common­ly (associated, associating) with the gastrointestinal system is the peptic ulcer (occurring, occurred) as a gastric or duodenal ulcer. 5. The result of nephrolithiasis may be obstruction of the kidney, ureter, or bladder leading to (increased, increasing) pressure behind the stone.

Упражнение 10. Замените причастные обороты придаточными предложе­ниями, сделав соответствующие изменения, согласно образцу; исполь­зуйте союзы или союзные словаas, and, when, which.

Образец: The usual manifestation of renal calculi is renal colic

brought about by a stone in the kidney or ureter. The usual manifestation of renal calculi is renal colic which is brought about by a stone in the kidney or ureter.

1. The conditions for stone formation are: a cavity containing a fluid; the fluid having salts in solution. 2. The salts held in solution in the fluid are deposited on the foreign substances. 3. The foreign objects forming stones in the kidneys and bladder are bacteria and the small shreds of mucus. 4. All experimental patients described here had stones in the bladder. 5. When collected in polypropylene bottles the urine was kept in refrigerated lockers.

Упражнение 11. Составьте письменно план текста А.

Часть II

Слова к части II


susceptible [sa'septabl]а чувствитель­ный, восприимчивый (к болезни) scarlet[ ska:ht]feverскарлатина toclog [kbg] засоряться permeable ['pa:miabl] а проницаемый diabetes[ dais'bi:ti:z] nдиабет, са­харная болезнь incompatible [,inkam'paetebl] а несов­местимый hemoglobin [,hi:mD'gloubin] nгемог­лобин



Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Скажите, о каких заболева­ниях идет речь в тексте и существует ли какая-либо взаимосвязь между ними. 2) Найдите предложения: а) где употребляются I и II формы при­частий; б) определите их функции. 3) Переведитеэтипредложения.

Text ВKidney Diseases

There are three structures of the kidney which are susceptible to disease: the glomeruli, the tubules and the blood vessels. However, it is

rare that only one of these structures is affected; what happens to one frequently affects the others as well.

The disease in which the glomeruli are particularly involved is called glomerulo-nephritis. It may be acute or chronic, the first frequently leading to the second. It is often a sequel1 to such a childhood infectious disease as scarlet fever. In glomerulo-nephritis, the glomeruli become clogged with exudate and cell debris so that the blood no longer flows through them. Here a clearance test is useful; it will show that much smaller quantities of filtrate are being formed than normally. The glom­eruli being still open become permeable to protein and albuminuria becomes very marked. This leads to edema.

Diseases involving the tubules are called nephroses. They are usually caused by poisons of various kinds, such as mercury, bismuth, uranium, or carbolic acid. Some degree of tubular degeneration occurs, however, in such diseases as diabetes, malaria and pernicious anaemia2, and also in traumatic shock. Finally, athero-sclerosis of the kidney may occur, reducing the total blood flow through the kidney's blood vessels.

What happens to the kidneys when incompatible blood has been used in a transfusion? Hemolysis of red cells occurs, of course, and the liber­ated hemoglobin circulates in the blood. Passing through the kidney, hemoglobin (although its molecular weight is 68.000) passes through the membrane into the tubules. If the amount is small, reabsorption occurs, but in the amounts increased after an incompatible transfusion the hemo­globin, passing through the tubules, is precipitated. This blocks the tu­bules; they cease to function and finally die. Patients having received the wrong type of blood can often be saved if the blood is thoroughly alkalin- ized; an alkaline filtrate is formed and thus prevents precipitation.


Epithelial cast
Fat cast

Blood cast

Wax cast


Fig. 16.Urinary casts.

A common disease of the kidney, known as Blight's disease, in­cludes a number of different conditions. Bright was a physician estab­lishing a connection between degenerative changes in the kidney and the presence of albumin in the urine. The discovery of albumin in the urine usually indicates a faulty working of the kidneys. It means that albumin from the blood plasma is being allowed to pass through the renal tubules, and thus be excreted in the urine. At the same time the damaged tubules fail to eliminate fluid. This fluid collects in the tis­sues and causes swelling, or edema, of various parts of the body. The fluid is more likely to collect in the legs and in the eyelids. Hence the puffy face and swollen legs of the sufferers from advanced Blight's disease.

It must not be assumed, however, that the presence of a small amount of albumin in the urine is necessarily a sign of Blight's disease. It is often transient and of no great significance.


1. sequel следствие

2. pernicious anaemia [э'пЬпф] злокачественная анемия

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их вслух.

1. There are three structures of the kidney which are susceptible to disease. 2. A clearance test is a diagnosing procedure in glomerulo­nephritis. 3. Nephroses are caused by poisons. 4. The patients who have received the wrong type of blood can be saved. 5. The presence of albumin in the urine is a symptom of a number of conditions known under the heading of Blight's disease.

Упражнение 3. Назовите заболевания почек, описанные в тексте В.

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающее упражнение к уроку 19

Найдите в следующих предложениях причастия, выполняющие функцию определения.

1. Case 5 had his blood pressure raised over all period of investiga- tion. 2. Transient or reversible albuminuria accompanied by oliguria and highly concentrated urine can be due to functional changes in the glomerular membrane. 3. When damaged the glomerular epithelium becomes permeable to the blood coloids. 4. Oliguria or decreased secre­tion of urine, may be due to a number of renal factors. 5. Albuminuria is common in passive congestion accompanying cardiac decompensa­tion. 6. Intravenous pyelography having been performed, the patient was operated on.

(Ответ: 1, 2, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите §§ 20, 21 Грам­матического справочника.)

V. Environmental Medicine



Повторение:Ing-формы (§ 24)

Часть I

Слова к части I


rate [reit] n темп, скорость;death-

rate ['deOreit] n смертностьpollutant [pa'luitant] n загрязняющее

вещество associate [9'soufieit] vсоединяться,

связывать association [a,sousi'eiJn] nассоциа­ция, общество; соединение population [,popju'leiJn] nнаселение level [Tevl] nуровень vegetation [,vecfei'teijn] nраститель­ность

sufferer [Ward] nстрадающийprohibit [pra'hibit] v запрещать



Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения с ing-формами.

1. This table presents the patients with post operative infection who were not receiving prophylactic antibiotics. 2. Scattering of radiation occurs when X-rays come into contact with radiopaque objects. 3. Ion­izing radiation can cause chemical changes in the cells through which it passes and is able to affect the functioning of those cells. 4. The past history of this patient was complicated by diabetes mellitus, arterioscle­rotic heart disease and a long history of smoking. 5. Cases 1-3 were being investigated as to the cause of their radiation dermatitis. 6. Air pollution varies considerably from one area to another, being most pro­nounced in heavily industrialized zones.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следукйцие предложения с герундием; опреде­лите его функции.

1. The lecturer told us about the difficulties of making a 24 hour urine collection in healthy children outside hospital. 2. Patients with hepatic cirrhosis develop oliguric renal failure in response to minor decrease in circulating blood volume. 3. The internal distribution of blood flow has been estimated by measuring the extraction of p-aminohippurate. 4. By investigating patients with cirrhosis a direct relationship between renal hemodynamic changes and cirrhosis of the liver may be established. 5. Developmental disorders of the body lead to stunting or to overgrowth of the skeletal system, to faulty connective or other «soft» tissues or to physical distortion and deformity. 6. I am against your taking part in this experiment.

Упражнение 3.Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

1. associate, to associate, associable, associated, association; 2. to alter, alteration, alternative; 3. sense, senseless, sensibility, sensitive, to sensitize; 4. to suffer, sufferer, suffering

Упражнение 4. Просмотрите текст А. Передайте основное содержание текста.

Text А Air and Health

1. There is accumulating evidence that air pollution is producing harmful effects in man. Many studies reveal that air pollution may cause reduced visibility, eye irritation, and respiratory irritation. Some medi­cal studies link air pollution with lung cancer, emphysema and other diseases.

2. The severity of symptoms of illness increases proportionately with concentration of pollutants in the air. The first effects of air pollutants are likely to lead to discomfort. Though not associated with the devel­opment of disease, even in sensitive groups, these effects are capable of disturbing the comfort of the population in residential or industrial ar­eas. This level is the one at which eye irritation occurs. Also in this category are levels of pollutants that damage vegetation and reduce vis­ibility. A more serious level of pollutants, or possibly combination of pollutants, is likely to lead to insidious or chronic diseases or to signif­icant alteration of important physiological function in a «sensitive group» such as the aged or sufferers from chronic respiratory or heart disease.

Pollution would not necessarily be a risk for persons in good health. But under conditons of intense pollution, this «sensitive group» may die.

3. Three episodes of acute air pollution have been characterized by sudden death. These tragedies occurred in Belgium's Meuse Valley in 1930, in Donora, Pennsylvania, in 1947, and in London in 1952. In each case a heavy fog settled over the area and did not lift; in each case the phenomenon was produced by a temperature inversion or a layer of warm air over a layer of cold air, and in each case there was a heavy concentration of smoke and pollutants.

4. During these periods, 63 deaths in Meuse Valley, 20 deaths in Do­nora, and 3.000 deaths in London were attributed to air pollution. Most of those who died were elderly people already suffering from diseases of the respiratory or circulatory systems. This disaster in London was a ma­jor factor in hastening the Clean Air Act of 1956. The emission of dark smoke from industrial chimneys was prohibited for the whole country.

5. Three general types of substances are known to pollute the atmo­spheres of all industrial environments: chemical, radioactive and bio­logical. Chemical pollutants are the major concern because of expand­ing industrial, automobile and domestic wastes. However, radioactive pollutants add to the total radiation exposure in both urban and rural air. Biological dusts and pollens likewise may cause effects, especially in persons who react to them with hay fever, asthma, and other allergies.

Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст А еще раз и назовите факторы, способствующие загрязнению воздуха.

Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и зачи­тайте их.

1. What effect is air pollution producing in man? 2. What are the first effects of air pollution? 3. Who were the victims of three episodes in Meuse Valley, Donora and London? 4. What did the Clean Air Act prohibit? 5. What substances are known to pollute the atmospheres of industrual environments?

Упражнение 7. Составьте письменно план текста А.

Упражнение 8. Спишите и переведите абзац 2 текста А.

Упражнение 9. Прочтите приведенные аннотации. Скажите, какая из них передает содержание текста наиболее адекватно и более отвечает требо­ваниям, предъявляемым к аннотации.

Air pollution depending on its-concentration and the level of pollut­ants cause conditions of different severity and even death in the «sensi­tive group».

Episodes of acute air pollution took place in different countries in 1930, 1947, 1952.

Chemical, radioactive and biological substances are known to pollute (he atmosphere.

Air pollution produces harmful effects in man: reduced visibility, eye and respiratory irritation, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

The severity of symptoms increases proportionately with concentra­tion of pollution.

A serious level of pollutants or combination of them is likely to lead insidious or chronic diseases or to alteration of physiological functions and even death in elderly people or sufferers from chronic respiratory or heart diseases.

The episodes of acute pollution occurred in Belgium, Pennsylvania and London in 1930, 1947 and 1952 correspondingly.

Three types of air pollutants are known. They are chemical, radioac­tive and biological ones.

Упражнение 10. Прочтите и переведите текст. Определитефункцииing- форм.

In October 1948, the small town of Donora, Pennsylvania, was struck by a fog disaster. The town is located on the Monongahela river. On both sides of the river are hills rising about 400 to 600 feet with farmland and woods stretching in all directions. The area immediately along the river bank is occupied by a large steel mill and a large zink reduction plant. It has long been known as a district liable to heavy fogs especially in the cold weather of the late autumn, and the coal barges on the river used to anchor in midstream waiting for the fog to clear. Sunrise often brought relief but it was common for the captains to await the lifting of the «second fog» which came after sunrise.

The fog of 1948 was unusually wet and dirty and had a peculiar sulphurous smell. It became dense on Tuesday morning, 26 October, and soon Donora's eight doctors were receiving far more calls than they could attend to. The patients complained about pain in the abdomen, splitting headache, nausea and vomiting, and some coughing up of blood. Soon there were 20 deaths directly attributable to the fog. Late Saturday afternoon it began drizzling, the air became clearer, and by Sunday morning, 31 October, the fog was gone.

Часть II С

' * - Г /

Слова к части II

amount [s'maunt]п количество; сум- contrary ['kontrsri] (to)а противо-

ма, итог;(to)vдоходить до; со- положный

ставлять (сумму), равняться reduce [ri'dju:s] vуменьшать, сокра-

contaminate [kan'taemineit] vзагряз- щать

нять, заражать reduction [ri'dAkJn] п уменьшение,

contamination [k9n,taemi'neijn] п заг- сокращение

рязнение, заражение alarm[э'1а:ш] п тревога; vпугать,

contaminant [kan'taeminant]п загряз- волновать

няющее вещество deplete [di'pli:t] vистощать, исчер-

vast [va:st]а обширный, огромный пывать (запасы)

trouble[ЧглЫ] п неприятность, беда, depletion [di'pli:Jn] п истощение

беспокойство; vбеспокоить, тре- complicate ['komplikeit] vосложнять

вожить; затруднять dilution [dai'lju:Jn]п разбавление,

hazard ['haezad]п опасность, риск растворение hazardous ['haezadas]а опасный, рискованный

\ ? ] { Упражнения . < ; ^

Упражнение 1. Определите значение выделенных слов в данных предло­жениях. ., I\ \ f

1. Since the amount of contamination until recent years was small in relation to the vastness of the atmosphere, little trouble resulted. «Pure» air is, of course, a mixture of many kinds of gases and varying amounts of water vapour, (степень, количество, общаясумма) 2. Some authorities feel we may eventually run into oxygen depletion problems with the elimination of green plants, (истощение, опустошение) 3. Instead of pollutants being diluted through twelve miles of atmosphere, they may be held within sever­al hundred feet of the ground, (разбавлять, растворять, ослаблять)

Упражнение 2. Просмотрите текстВ (10 мин). 1) Назовите основные по­ложения текста. 2) Прочтите вслух интернациональные слова. Запомните их произношение и значение. 3) Найдите в тексте предложения сing- формами. Переведитепредложения.

Text В $ 2 JI ' Air Pollution ^

A man can live without food for weeks and without water for days, but he can live without air for only a few minutes. Accordingly, air is the most immediately vital resource.

I Lesson 20 207

1 . ' r ' >j' I ' ' ' »

Since the amount of contamination until recent years was small in relation to the vastness of the atmosphere, little trouble resulted. In the last few decades, however, continuing contamination is producing con­centrations that are harmful to men, animals and plants.

Air pollution is produced by different air contaminants in different areas. By general definition, air pollution is the introduction of hazard­ous materials into the atmosphere as the result of man's activities.

Some pollutants, such as smoke from fores/t fires, may stem from either natural or human causes. Pollution, as cjiscussed here, will imply the possibility of control. * ' *

In order to understand the problem of air pollution more fully, let us briefly examine the nature and size of our atmosphere. «Pure» air is, of course, a mixture of many kinds of gases, including about 78 per cent nitrogen, 21 per cent oxygen, less than 1 per cent argon, 0,03 per cent carbon dioxide, traces of several other gases and varying amounts of water vapour. So far, contrary to popular belief, the percentage of oxy­gen in the air has not been reduced significantly with the Advent of air pollution. However, man's activities are reducing the world supply of green plants which are the only sources of oxygen at an alarming rate. An acre of foodcrop plants produces far less* oxygen than the acre of forest it may have replacpd. ^^acre of ^a^ement^oduces no oxygen at all. Thus, some scientists feeove ftiay eventualljlrun into oxygen deple­tion problems with the elimination of green plants) though other air problems are more vpre^fefr at t^s 'time. J v'n - Г?'

The problem of air pollution is further' complicated by the existence of inversion layers over many of the world's major cities. An inversion layer is a layer of warmer air over a cooler surface layer.of air, and results from an area's topographical character and proximity to water. The inversion layer acts as an air trap, preventing air pollutants from mixing with upper layers of air. Thus, instead of pollutants being diluted through twelve miles of atmosphere, they may be held within several hundred feet of the ground. L '

The problem of air pollution is of great social importance. Russian research workers have established, after analysing the results of hun­dreds of medical checkups that there is a definite correlation between the degree of air pollution and rates of incidence and death from bron­chitis, pneumonia and lung cancer. The researchers believe that if air pollution were decreased by 50 per cent then the incidence of these diseases would go down by 25 per cent.

An adequate rtumber of facts has now been established which prove that there is a connection between air pollution and the death-rate from all types of cancer.

Упражнение 5. Прочтите нижеприведенные суждения. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, И\ прочтите их вслух. I

1. In the last few decades continuing contamination has become harm­ful to men, animals and plants. 2. Air pollution is produced in different ways. 3. Man's activities are significantly reducing the percentage of oxygen in the air. 4. The inversion layer acts as an air trap. 5. There is* a definite correlation between air pollution and the death-rate from cancer and lung diseases.

Упражнение 6. Основываясь на тексте В, назовите основные источники загрязнения воздуха в современном городе.

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 20

Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Проверьте перевод ing-форм по ключу на стр. 209.

The Accident

The pilot of a single-engined monoplane with a passenger was carry­ing out1 a practice forced landing,2 when the left wing struck a tree.

The aircraft was severely damaged in the crash, the engine mounts breaking3 and the engine section being pushed back4 into the cockpit, trapping5 both occupants by their legs.

On arriving,64 minutes after the crash, the rescuers saw that both occupants were hanging7 upside down in their shoulder harnesses. The fuel tank was compressed and had burst at the side and bottom edges.

Most of the 55 litres of 80/87 octane petrol had spurted from the tank externally or into the cockpit.

The occupants' faces were directly beneath the petrol tank and petrol ran over them.

The rescuers released the passenger after about 5 minutes. When he was released he seemed shocked, but did not lose consciousness. Cutting8 equipment was needed to release the pilot, and he was re­tained in the wreckage for 25 minutes, but during this time remained conscious.

The volume of the cockpit was* 945 litres and there was an opening9 in it after the impact, of about 1800 sq. cm.

Both occupants were coughing10 and complained of some soreness of the throat and irritation of the eyes. The injured were admitted to a hospital 2 hours after the accident. (Ответ: 1. производил; 2. посадку; 3. сломался; 4. сдвинулся назад; 5. прищемив; 6. по прибытии; 7. висели; 8. режущий; 9. отверстие; 10. кашляли.)

Упражнение 2. Найдите в левой колонке слово или словосочетание, которое поясняет слово в правой колонке.

1. to substitute 1. left as useless

2. feasible 2. to begin

3. to originate 3. to throw down

4. refuse 4. to put in place of another

5. to dump 5. possible, likely

(Ответ: 1-4, 2-5, 3-2, 4-1, 5-3.)



Повторение: Функции инфинитива (§ 25)

Часть I

Слова к части I


sewage ['sju:icfc] псточныеводыindustrial wastes [in'dAstnal weists] отходыпромышленногопроиз­водстваvirus [vaisras] пвирусviral [vaidrdl]авирусныйdischarge [dis't|a:dt5] v спускать, вы­ливать; пспуск, сток, вытеканиеsolve [solv] v решать (вопрос) solution [sa'lju:Jn] прешениеsediment ['sedimant] посадокsedimentation [sedimen'teijn] посаждение



Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения с формой инфини­тива в действительном и страдательном залоге.

1. The industries of all countries spend millions to fight air pollu­tion. 2. The patients to be examined suffered from smoke intoxica-

tion. 3. To avoid air pollution from domestic coal fires (as those in London) new heating systems were introduced. 4. The case to be described illustrates the difficulties in the diagnosis of angina pecto- j ris. 5. The desinfection of the skin of the operated area appears to be carried out at once. 6. We know bacteria to be very small single celled bodies.

Упражнение 2. Напишите исходные слова к нижеприведенным производ­ным и переведите их.

bacillary, amoebic, illness, bacteriological, responsibility, foaming /j


Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания. /


virus disease, to estimate highly, discharges from a wound, to dis­charge a patient from the hospital, sedimentation rate

Упражнение 4. Просмотрите текст А. Назовите основные проблемы, выз­ванные загрязнением природных вод.

Text А

. [ The Problem of Water Pollution

and Pollution Control

1. Water pollution means contamination of surface or ground water1 supplies by sewage industrial wastes or garbage and other refuse. Water pollution arises from the activitites of friary in his cities, industries and agricultural pursuits.

2. Water pollution becomes not only an esthetic problem for man, but an economic and medical one as well. Bacterial and viral contami­nation is a threat for the spread of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, shigellosis or bacillary dysentery, amoebic dysentery, cholera and hepa-

titls- '/УцГ . ' - •\A

3. Water pollution is considered to be perhaps an ever greater hazard

to health and economic growth menace to recreation than air pollution, i Millions of fish are killed in coastal waters and rivers each year. Radio­active wastes detergents, pesticides, and other chemicals are found in numerous rivers and streams. In addition, demands upon available wa­ter have multiplied because of a larger population, concentrations of people in large urban areas, higher standards of living, growing industry, increased agriculture, and the production of new chemical substances requiring water in the manufacturing process.

4. Pollution control. An over-all' reduction of the quantities of contam­inants to be discharged to watercourses is necessary. The users of public waters have a responsibility for returning them as clean as possible.


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